XtraSpace Kiddies Christmas Party


As the number of people in the XtraSpace team has continued to grow, so too has the number of children that form part of our “family.” So this year, XtraSpace decided it was time to treat the kids to an XtraSpace Kiddies Christmas Party – a first of its kind.


Just before the day of the party, tension mounted as the weather continued to look bleak. Then, on the morning of the day, the skies cleared and everyone was ready for a day of fun!


The children arrived just before 9 a.m., and within seconds, they were already having a blast. Off to the slip ‘n slide, then to the jumping castle and the jungle gym, a chance to feed the animals, some play in the sandpit and then of course back to the slip ‘n slide.


Next someone started the rumour that Father Christmas might be coming to pay the kids a visit, and soon everyone was chanting for him to come out. There he was – beard, bag, boots and all the trimmings – and each child waited in anticipation for his or her name to be called out to receive a present. The pure excitement and joy on the children’s faces was priceless.


The kids were free to play to their heart’s content but finally, after everyone was fed and cake was cut, party packs were given out and it was time for lots of tired but satisfied children to go home.


It was a day that was enjoyed by all, and a very big thank you goes out to everyone at XtraSpace for their acknowledgement and appreciation of all the little people in our lives.

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The picnic tableFun in the jumping castleThe jungle gymThe swingsRunning to the jumping castleThe XtraSpace Christmas CakeXtraSpace kiddiesFather Christmas arrivesKids surrounding father ChristmasFather Christmas greeting childrenHappy children with Father XmasMore happy children with Father XmasHappy XtraSpace kidsKids enjoying the water slideKids in cosiesHappy kids in cosiesHappy kids in cosiesHappy kids in cosiesHappy kids in cosiesHappy kids in cosiesHappy kids in cosiesA smiling faceColleen with one of our XtraSpace kidsOne of our XtraSpace kids