15 of South Africa’s Most Amazing Modern Buildings

15 of South Africa’s Most Amazing Modern Buildings

South Africa is home to a number of innovative modern buildings, from the pretty Bosjes Chapel to the country’s first biophilic building, The Fynbos. Cities like Dubai, Hong Kong, New York, Berlin and Shanghai are famous for their spectacular modern architecture – but...
The XtraSpace Weekly Covid-19 Roundup

The XtraSpace Weekly Covid-19 Roundup

We cover some of the most important lockdown developments from the past week.   Covid-19 lockdown President Ramaphosa announcing that in accordance with the national move to Level 3 on Monday 1 June, places of worship can re-open with strict restrictions in...
XtraSpace’s Weekly Covid-19 Roundup

XtraSpace’s Weekly Covid-19 Roundup

We are providing the latest updates on the Covid-19 situation in South African focusing on the events and developments that have an impact on you and your business.   We are providing the latest updates on the Covid-19 situation in South African focusing on the...
XtraSpace’s Response to the National Lockdown

XtraSpace’s Response to the National Lockdown

XtraSpace’s response to the coronavirus – protecting our members and staff. On the evening of Monday, 23 March 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa, took strong and decisive action in the government’s response to the Coronavirus crisis and announced a national lockdown...