Last month, we looked at some of the strangest personal collections. This month, we’re focusing instead on more charming collections, including five of the world’s largest personal collections of toys.

Last month, we looked at some of the strangest personal collections. This month, we’re focusing instead on more charming collections, including five of the world’s largest personal collections of toys.


Did you collect marbles as a child, or was it another type of item that caught your fancy? At some point, most children eagerly acquire collections and display them with pride. With age, not everyone loses their innate desire to collect, own and care for toys – although many of us develop more expensive tastes in the toys we collect!


Biggest collection of vintage toys

Biggest collection of vintage toys

© photo by Sothebys

Jerrey Greene of New York amassed a fascinating collection of over 35,000 vintage toys and train sets, largely handmade and all dating to the period between 1850 and 1940. This isn’t just one of the world’s largest toy collections – it’s also one of the most magnificent. Many of the pieces in the collection are of historical significance, representing European rail stations or buildings destroyed during either the First or Second World War.


The ultimate collection of model cars, in Beirut


According to the Guinness Book of World Records, former amateur racing driver, Billy Karam, has the world’s largest collection of toy cars. His mammoth collection includes more than 30,000 model cars, along with roughly 400 painstakingly assembled dioramas. Karam, who’s based in Beirut, Lebanon, confesses a particular weakness for Porsches.


All things flamingo

flamingo collection

© photo by Hellobar

Sherry Knight of Florida in the United States has a passion for flamingoes. At last count, her collection of cheerfully pink flamingoes and flamingo-related items numbered 619.


Over 10,000 yo-yos

Yo-yo collection

© photo by Slitterfin

Also in Florida, Doctor John Meisenheimer has a collection of over 10,000 yo-yos, earning him an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. One of his yo-yos dates as far back as 1790. Another qualifies as the largest in the world – it’s the height of a person and had to be delivered by forklift.


Pokémon crazy

Pokemon collection

© photo by Guinnessworldrecords

Lisa Courtney of the UK has been collecting Pokémon merchandise, including cards, toys and themed clothing, since she was nine years old. By age 26, she had accumulated more than 16,000 Pokémon items. Courtney says the collection has helped her through some tough times – she started it when being bullied at school, and has never looked back.


For any kind of collection

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At XtraSpace, we provide secure, affordable storage space, so you can free up space in your home or garage and still keep your personal collection safe. Check our branches page for a self-storage facility near you or contact us for more information – we’re always happy to help.

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